East Dundee

All items for collection must be placed at the curb by 6:00 a.m. every Wednesday. Drivers call our office by radio and advise us of the houses that do not have their refuse out.

If you fail to place your garbage, recycling or yard waste at the curb on your scheduled day, our driver will return the following week.

REMINDER: Please DO NOT mix yard waste with your regular garbage, it WILL NOT be collected. Yard waste must be separated and properly containerized.

Household Refuse Collection

Refuse must be properly containerized in bags or cans, and not to exceed a 50-pound weight limit. There is NO CAN LIMIT as to the quantity of refuse you may place at the curb. Flood Brothers provides a 65-gallon toter for the use of refuse collection. Any Flood Brothers' toter that is damaged will be replaced free of charge. Kindly contact the Flood Brothers' office to replace a broken or worn toter. Please note residents may choose to have a 95-gallon toter instead of the provided 65-gallon toter. This toter will be billed directly from Flood Brothers. Any 95-gallon toter customer with an unpaid account balance 30 days from the start of a billing period may have their service suspended until their account has been paid in full (including late fees). Flood Brothers will notify the village of residential service suspension.

Yard Waste Collection

Begins First Full Week in April, Ends Last Week of November.

Residents may place all yard waste (grass clippings, bundled branches, brush and garden materials including plants, flowers, weeds, vines, bark pieces, pine cones, etc.) in yard waste paper bags or 35-gallon containers. Yard waste cannot weigh more than 50 pounds contained. If containers are not feasible, brush and tree trimmings must be placed in stacks no longer than 4 feet in length and 2 inches in diameter. Each bundle shall not exceed 24 inches and must be secured with twine. Yard waste in plastic bags will not be collected. Note: Dirt, pots, sod, large branches, tree stumps, rocks, garden vegetables, fruit, and non-organic materials are not considered yard waste and WILL NOT BE COLLECTED. Compost facilities are closed from the first of December through the first of April and yard waste is to be placed in general refuse containers.

Bagging Leaves

Leaves must be placed in either biodegradable bags or a maximum of a 35-gallon container weighing no more than 50 pounds.

Burning Leaves

The burning of leaves and other landscape waste material is only allowed between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Saturday and Sunday during the months of October, November and April. If burning becomes banned in the Village, a sticker program of $2.20 per bag may be implemented.


If a holiday falls on a weekday or a Sunday, and your regularly scheduled pickup is on or after the holiday, your pickup will be delayed by one day.

Flood Brothers will not collect on the following holidays:


Christmas Tree Collection

Holiday greenery must have all tinsel, ornaments, lights and nails removed before being placed out at the curb for pickup. Holiday greenery collection and pickup is FREE OF CHARGE during the first two full weeks in January.

Bulk Item Collection

Bulk items are items that are too large to fit in a 65-gallon toter or weigh more than 60 pounds. These items will be collected at no charge through a special collection arranged by a resident with a Flood Brothers customer service representative. The following items are considered bulk items: mattresses, box springs, tables, chairs, bookcases, and other furniture. The weight limit on bulk items is 60 pounds. Please contact Flood Brothers customer service department at (630) 261-0578 to schedule a bulk item collection.

White Good Item Collection (Appliances)

There is no charge for the collection of white good items. White goods (appliances containing CFC, HCFC, PCB’s, mercury switches or other hazardous components) such as stoves, hot water heaters, refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, humidifiers, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, microwaves and furnaces. White goods will be collected by a separate truck. Please contact Flood Brothers customer service department at (630) 261-0578 to schedule a white good item pick up. Any white good item to be collected must be placed at the curb by 6 a.m.

Special Collection

Do-it-yourself construction or demolition debris up to two (2) cubic yards are picked up at no additional charge. Residents placing more than two (2) cubic yards of construction debris at the curb should contact a Flood Brothers Disposal customer service representative at (630) 261-0578 to obtain an estimate. Construction and Demolition debris over two (2) yards will be charged a per cubic yard rate. The following items are considered special collection material: drywall, rocks, carpet, doors, paneling, concrete, lumber, cabinets and fixtures. All items must be placed in bags, boxes and maximum 32-gallon containers, which cannot exceed the 50-pound weight limit. Carpet rolls must be no longer than four feet in length and eighteen inches in diameter.

E-Waste (Electronic) Collection

Residents have the opportunity to recycle electronic items which are banned from landfills. Under this Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) Residential E-Waste Program, residents have options for safely recycling your old residential computers, monitors, laptops, televisions, and printers. Residents who wish to recycle their electronics may call Flood Brothers, 630-261-0400, to schedule a pick-up.  Flood Brothers charges a $25 fee for each electronic item. TV ‘s weighing over 50 pounds charge will be $50.00. Residents are asked to call our office 48 hours prior to collection to schedule pick up.

Unacceptable Materials

Household hazardous waste products are flammable, toxic, corrosive or reactive and pose a harmful threat or damage to the environment when disposed of improperly. Items such as oil-based paint, household batteries, pesticides, poisons, cleaning solvents, tainted gasoline, used oil and other automotive products are considered to be hazardous waste and should not be included with your regular garbage for disposal.

To schedule a pick-up please call 1-800-449-7587 or go to http://www.curbsideinc.com.

Each East Dundee resident is entitled to one free pick-up of household hazardous waste per calendar year from Curbside Inc.

Latex (water-based) paint (unlike oil-based paint which is considered a household hazardous waste) has a very low level of toxicity. Disposing latex paint as hazardous waste is unnecessary and expensive. The Illinois EPA and Kane County encourage people with unwanted latex paint to recycle it with Earth Paint Collection Systems (www.earthpaintscs.com or 847-231-6044) . The nearest drop off location is Ziegler’s Ace Hardware (150 S. Kennedy Drive, Carpentersville, in the Meadowdale Shopping Center). The disposal cost for one gallon container is $2.50. Two-gallon containers cost $3.50 and a five-gallon container costs $8.00. (NOTE: prices subject to change without notice)

For information on document shredding, please contact the Village of East Dundee to find dates and times of free shredding events for residents.

Single-Sort Recycling Program

A green, 65-gallon recycling toter with a yellow lid will be provided to each residence at no extra charge. Recyclable materials are collected on Wednesdays and must contain only acceptable recyclable items. Please place ONLY approved items in the recycling cart. The collector is trained to check the contents of the cart. If there are non-recyclable contents present, the cart will be left with a violation tag. Recyclable materials do not need to be separated, but please rinse all recyclable items to remove food residue prior to pickup.  A complete list of acceptable and unacceptable materials can be found here.

Service Related Issues

If you have a service request you may contact Flood Brothers Disposal and Recycling Company 24 hours a day. If you are calling during a non-business hour, leave a message in our voice mail system at (630) 261-0578 or email us.


If you are moving, please contact our customer service department to terminate service and remove any Flood Brothers equipment provided. They are available during office hours at at (630) 261-0578.

Vacation Policy:

Residents are required to notify Flood Brothers prior to going on vacation. There is a 30 day minimum and no maximum (within one calendar year) in order to receive credit. Residents must supply a start and return date prior to their departure. Any balance must be paid in full before vacation status is applied. Credit will be applied upon return. No credit will be issued if Flood Bros Disposal is notified after the fact.